======Our clients in the media - Timor Leste====== Papua New Guinea National Department of Health [[https://reliefweb.int/report/timor-leste| Relief Web - Timor Leste]] [[http://www.searo.who.int/timorleste/en/| WHO International - Timor Leste news]] [[https://www.wfp.org/| World Food Programme]] most recent articles shown first.... |2019-07-31 |[[https://docs.wfp.org/api/documents/WFP-0000107476/download/?_ga=2.80710743.1304999275.1568279538-1055501472.1562658913|WFP Timor-Leste Country Brief, July 2019]] **mentions mSupply**| World Food Programme | | Operational Updates WFP met with both the Vice Minister and the Interim Minister of Health to discuss pipeline breaks of specialised nutritious foods, the //**reinstatement of the ‘mSupply’ commodity tracking system**// and the handover of equipment from Timor Global, a facility that produces nutritious foods for Timor-Leste, to the Ministry of Health. ||| | | | |