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SOLTEC AHA-103HL UPS ON-LINE 1k/2l/3KVA quick setup

Make sure Battery is connected correctly with red and black cables to a 36V battery if you have it, otherwise, 3 x 12V battery connected in series:

  • Make sure mains power is connected with Black power cable
  • Make sure the serial cable is plugged into the desired control computer/server

Once server is setup with power going into it you will need to take it off standby (blinking green led on front) This is done by holding down the Middle and ON button as shown in the image below. It should then beep twice, Orange LED should come up for a small period then leave you with a solid green LED.

UPSilon Software setup

Once all Drivers and software are installed from the CD (if using Serial to USB adaptor you will need to install the driver for it), Make sure you can find your device on a COM port in the windows device manager as shown in the image below: (for our test environment we used a USB to Serial adaptor which can be seen on COM5)

Once you have established what COM port your UPS is plugged into select that port on the included software as shown in the image below (out USB to Serial adaptor is now on COM4)

If these steps have been done correctly the software package should indicate that the UPS is connected to the PC as shown in the image below. One thing to try if it is not detecting is to restart the software Package.


We now need to make sure the 4D process is shut correctly before the batteries go flat and the server shuts down. Select the option to run a script before shutdown. You will need to create a .bat file containing the command to halt the 4D process “net stop <name of MSupply Process>”. You can then select that .bat file to run in settings before the server shuts down. Attached is a .zip containing a .bat file you can use to shutdown the 4d server.

  • misc/hardware/sussol_hardware/ups_quick_setup.1740206716.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2025/02/22 06:45
  • by